The Place

"...a light that shines in a dark place"
2 Peter 1:19b

There once was a beekeeper which yearned for a place where he could settle; a place of clean air and sunshine. For thirteen years, this beekeeper and his wife combed many nooks and crannies looking for that “just right” place, not only for their honeybee hives, but a place to set down roots for the ministry which the Lord had given them in 1978, and a place where they could learn how to be master gardeners. One day, as they were taking a leisurely drive up the west coast of Florida, they came across a little north central Florida community, called “Old Town,” located in Dixie County, just north of the Suwannee River.

They met a realtor who told them about some land that was for sale south across the river and east of Fanning Springs. The moment this beekeeper stepped onto this solid ground he knew that this was the place which the Lord had reserved for him and his wife. As this couple took a moment to pray, they were overcome with peace. Since they had no money in the bank at the time, they believed that the Lord would work everything out for them to purchase the land. By way of the Lord's guidance and faithfulness, the real estate broker assisted in such a way that they could buy a five acre tract, and later on, adding to it, later, fifteen more acres; all in Gilchrist County.

This, surely, was a dream come true. With his “Honey Bride,” and the fact that he was in his late “50s,” with a determination to make a go of it, the fact remained that they had been given this place by God, which they call Victory Gardens. During the course of many years, this industrious couple has raised honey bees, as well as chickens, rabbits, dairy goats, turkeys and peafowl. They propagate plants and transplant them all over the property. Annually they cultivate a spring and autumn vegetable garden. They even make time to give visitors a tour. Victory Gardens truly shines for the Lord!

The VCSS Handbook includes applicant information, testing information, scope and sequence, history of VCSS, and all forms required for the school year.